We offer some of the best shopping on St. Thomas! Avoid the crowds of downtown Charlotte Amalie and do your shopping right here at our gift shop. Our Caribbean boutique is located at Aqua Action Dive Center on the grounds of Secret Harbour Beach Resort.
Yes, we are much more than a dive shop. We have local arts, fragrances, spices, sauces and more. Our buyers are very particular about purchasing the latest in beach wear and resort wear. You will find everything from flip-flops, tee shirts, evening wear, beach toys, sun block, sundries and much more.
We carry a beautiful line of Ann Larkin Roy island designed jewelry at an affordable price. These works of art make a great gift. She captures the colors of the ocean so you can take a memory of St. Thomas home with you. We also carry those essential travel items such as razors, tooth brushes, sunscreen, and basic over the counter medicine.
Your one stop shop for scuba, instruction, snorkeling, boating, beaching, water sports & souvenir shopping! Located on the beautiful island of St. Thomas, in the U.S. Virgin Islands.